21 Day Churchwide Fast

January 8-28, 2024


Church family, as we transition from the holiday season into a new year, we want to take some time to realign our hearts with what God is saying and doing in the coming year. We believe that as a community, we can come together and seek God's will for our church.

We are excited to invite you to join us for a time of corporate fasting and praying for Grace Christian Fellowship. This is an opportunity for us to humble ourselves before God, seeking His guidance and direction in all areas of our lives.

We encourage you to set aside some time during this period of fasting and prayer to reflect on your relationship with God and ask Him how you can contribute towards the growth of our church family. We believe that as we seek God's face together, He will reveal His plans for us as individuals, as well as a church community.

Everyone is free to participate in this fast in their own way. Whatever you choose to do is between you and the Lord. Some examples could include:

  • Skipping a meal every day

  • Fasting one or two days a week

  • Eliminating something in your life that tends to be an idol for you, such as screen time, deserts, overtime at work, or sleeping in.

  • Committing to join a prayer gathering every week

  • Setting aside 5 minutes, 3 times a day, to pray in a specific way.

Ask God - he may give you an idea that is custom-fit for you!

Note: Fasting in a healthy way requires caution and we encourage consulting a medical professional before undergoing a long fast. (Ending a fast poorly can be particularly dangerous.)

Organized prayer times:

Let’s admit it: fasting and prayer are hard. They express our desire for God over and above our desire for everything that is easy and comfortable. One pathway God gave us for doing hard things is to do it together. So, following the example of the church in Acts, we’re setting aside space in the week where we can seek God in the same room at the same time.

  • Monday 7-9 PM at the church building. Leader: Paul K.

  • Tuesday 7-9 PM at the church building. Leader: Paul K.

  • Saturday 6-7 AM at the church building. Leader: Dan S.


“The Joy of Fasting”

“Family Discipleship: Empowered Kids”